
Produktene og løsningene vi tilbyr er fremtidsrettet, miljøvennlige, skreddersydd for å passe våre kunders behov og basert på den beste tilgjengelige teknologien.


Produktene og løsningene vi tilbyr er fremtidsrettet, miljøvennlige, skreddersydd for å passe våre kunders behov og basert på den beste tilgjengelige teknologien.

Vi streber etter å være det ledende selskapet innen vårt kjerneområde her i Norge.

Vårt team består av erfarne fagfolk med mer enn 25 års erfaring innen olje- og gassindustrien. De siste fem årene har vi jobbet med å overføre den erfaringen til infrastruktur og levert flere suksessfulle og innovative prosjekter. Vi har omfattende kompetanse innen prosjektledelse, forsyningskjedestyring, arkitektonisk design, flerfaglig ingeniørvirksomhet, produksjon og installasjon.

Vi tilbyr fremtidsrettede produkter og skreddersydde løsninger som er miljøvennlige og bygger på den beste tilgjengelige teknologien.

Vårt fundament er bygget på verdier som åpenhet, tillit og langsiktige relasjoner. Når du samarbeider med oss, kan du være trygg på at du får kvalitet og pålitelighet i alle våre tjenester og produkter.

Vi ser frem til å jobbe sammen med deg og møte dine behov og utfordringer på best mulig måte. Ta gjerne kontakt med oss for en uforpliktende samtale om hvordan vi kan være til hjelp for deg.

At Module Solutions & Systems AS, our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our
personnel, the environment, and our materials. Our commitment is to deliver products and
services of the highest quality, on time, and without compromising health, safety, or environmental standards.

Our Policy Principles:
• Zero Harm: We strive for zero injuries to personnel and zero environmental and
material damage in all our operations.
• Quality Delivery: We are dedicated to delivering our products and services at the
agreed quality, time, and place, free from risks of accidents or negative health and
environmental impacts.
• Safety First: The prevention of injuries takes precedence in all activities, regardless of
location, time constraints, or productivity demands.

To achieve these principles, we commit to:
• Risk Assessment: Proactively assess risks prior to commencing any operations.
• Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate and enhance our performance.
• Competency Assurance: Ensure that all employees possess the necessary skills and
• Environmental Responsibility: Prioritize environmentally friendly solutions in our
• Legal Compliance: Adhere strictly to all applicable laws and regulations.

Our Quality Management System encompasses every part of our company, ensuring reliable
and effective fulfillment of requirements and expectations. The system will comply with
client requirements, ISO 9001:2015, and all relevant legal standards.


MSS Quality & HSE Policy
ISO 9001 Certificate
Magnet JQS

At Module Solutions & Systems AS, we are dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment through sustainable practices and continuous improvement in our operations. We recognize our responsibility to minimize our environmental impact and are committed to integrating environmental considerations into all aspects of our business.

Our Environmental Commitments:
• Sustainable Practices: We prioritize the use of sustainable materials and practices in the
design, fabrication, and delivery of our products and services.
• Pollution Prevention: Actively work to prevent pollution by minimizing emissions, waste,
and other environmental impacts from our operations.
• Resource Efficiency: Promote the efficient use of resources, including energy, water, and raw
materials, to reduce our environmental footprint.
• Compliance: Ensure full compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and
• Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate and improve our environmental performance
through audits, assessments, and the adoption of best practices.
• Employee Engagement: Educate and engage our employees in environmental responsibility,
providing training and encouraging initiatives that support our environmental goals.
• Stakeholder Collaboration: Work collaboratively with our customers, suppliers, and other
stakeholders to promote and implement environmentally friendly solutions.

Our Environmental Objectives:
1. Reduce Waste: Implement waste reduction strategies to minimize the generation of waste and increase recycling and reuse.
2. Lower Emissions: Aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through efficient energy use and
the adoption of clean technologies.
3. Sustainable Sourcing: Prioritize the procurement of environmentally sustainable materials
and products.
4. Environmental Innovation: Invest in and develop innovative solutions that contribute to
environmental sustainability.

By adhering to this Environmental Policy, Module Solutions & Systems AS aims to create a positive environmental legacy, ensuring that our operations contribute to the well-being of the planet for current and future generations.


MSS Environmental Policy
ISO 14001 Certificate

FiberCore Europe B.V

FiberCore Europe, the specialist and market leader in bridges, lock gates and bridge decks of extremely strong FRP for the infrastructure sector. In recent years we have put FRP as a construction material on the map worldwide.

Sheet Piling Solutions B.V

Sheet Piling Solutions is your reliable supplier of vinyl sheet piling. With extensive experience and knowledge about the profession.
SPS offers a wide range of products to fully provide your project with the best quality.
Meanwhile, our vinyl sheet pile profiles are being applied in more than 59 countries and with 30 years of experience and 30,000,000 m2 installed it can be said that our “pilot phase” has been completed well.

PowerCem Technologies B.V

PowerCem Technologies with its RoadCem, ConcreCem and ImmoCem products offers a variety of innovative project solutions for application in the civil engineering world.
Our mission is to preserve natural raw materials for the coming generations.
Our vision is to use or re-use in situ materials.

  • RoadCem is used for road construction applications.
  • ConcreCem is an additive for project-specific concrete applications.
  • ImmoCem is used for the immobilisation/stabilising of contamination.