Contract Award – DoggerBank LoI

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Contract Award – DoggerBank LoI

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MSS has been awarded a LoI from Aibel for the supply of FRP Phenolic Grating to DoggerBank converter platforms.

Module Solutions & Systems AS (“MSS”) has recently been awarded a Letter of Intent from Aibel. The LoI covers the supply of FRP Phenolic Grating for the converter platforms Dogger Bank A, Doggerbank B and Dogger Bank C at the same wind farm.

About the Dogger Bank project:

“Equinor and its partner SSE Renewables have been awarded contracts to develop the world’s biggest offshore wind farm in the Dogger Bank region of the North Sea with a total installed capacity of 3.6 GW, enough energy to power the equivalent of 4.5 million UK homes.
The Dogger Bank zone is located ~130km east of the Yorkshire Coast in the UK North Sea. Water depth ranges from 20m to 35m” 

The converter platforms will normally be unmanned which requires a high forcus on low maintenance products and solutions.

FRP Phenolic Composite Grating is corrosion resistant and structurally strong. It provides a low weight which makes handling and installation safe and efficient. FRP Phenolic Grating has a strong track record in offshore environments proving its capabilities and low maintenance requirements.

The supply of FRP grating to the Dogger Bank project is a milestone for MSS as it will be our first delivery to the renewable energy sector.

MSS has provided Aibel with FRP grating for several of their EPCI projects in the past. We thank them for the continued trust and look forward to continue to build on our cooperation.


Module Solutions & Systems AS (“MSS”) is an innovative provider of weight-saving modules, access solutions and walkways in composite, and dropped object prevention to the oil and gas industry, including the renewable energy sector. Our focus is supplying the market with the most innovative products, environmentally focused and always keeping safety aspect as the No. 1 priority. This is resulting in giving our customers the best possible LCC for their projects.


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